Antique American Clocks                      January 2021


145.     $300

E. Ingraham & Co. “Ionic Calendar”, ca. 1886.  This is the later version of the Ionic Calendar with two large dials; an earlier model had a noticeably smaller calendar dial.  The case is rosewood veneer but I believe the bezels were grain-painted to match.  Both glasses are old, the dials the original paper and in rough shape.  The time hands are correct, the calendar hands look like replacements.  Both door hinges have been replaced.  The 8-day time-and-strike movement is signed, running, and striking but is missing the wire gong and will need adjustment.  The weekday calendar hand is advancing, catching sometimes on the hour hand; the date hand advances as well, sometimes several days at a time – adjustment needed, as it also stops the clock.  The calendar movement is the B.B. Lewis Calendar “Y” mechanism; Ly shows a “V” mechanism in his presentation of this clock in Calendar Clocks, page 106.  The “Y” calendar is the earlier of the two; here it is lacking its metal cover and label and has been replaced on the lower door with a wooden cover.  There should be a label inside, but it is gone.  Schmidt’s Antiques sold a nice example last fall for $475.  $300-$450.   


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