Antique American Clocks                      July 2020


95.      $125

Chauncey Jerome “Patent Case”, ca. 1857.  Jerome patented the case, rather unusual at the time, and it can be found in several sizes; other manufacturers also used it.  This one is 27 inches tall with a 30-hour unsigned brass time-and-strike, weight-driven movement.  It is running and striking as expected.  The rosewood-veneered case has been cleaned and looks sharp, both glasses are period if not original.  I particularly like the lithograph of P.T. Barnum’s home, “Iranistan”, which was built in 1848 in Bridgeport CT and burned down nine years later.  The painted metal dial has had some slightly-less-than-professional touch-up around the chapter ring.  The hands are not quite matched; the label is missing pieces but sufficient to establish manufacture.  $150-$250.

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