297. $600
English double-fusee skeleton clock, ca. 1900. A 20-inch tall (with glass dome) time-and-strike, double-fusee skeleton clock mounted on a white marble base on a mahogany stand on
four turned metal feet. The glass dome is likely original, as it fits on the base in only one orientation. I believe the
brass dial was originally silvered, as it shows considerable wear from cleaning; the hands are old and have been painted. The
clock is unmarked except for an ‘FD’ stamped into the front of the gong stand. It is running, 8 days I presume, and counting
the hours on the large cathedral gong with a soft sound. There is a lever on the upper right that allows you to repeat the strike. Most skeleton clocks are single-fusee (with or without a passing bell strike), while double-fusee clocks like this typically have
a rack-and-snail gong strike and a passing strike on the half-hour on an overhead bell. This clock does not have a passing strike. Fontaine’s sold two double-fusees in 2023 for $750 and $1100. $750–$1200.
Antique American Clocks JANUARY 2025