183. $50
Union Manufacturing Co. 30-hr OGs, 1843-1845. Two
OG clocks, 26 inches tall with good flame mahogany veneer and original glasses and tablets. The first tablet is of the residence of
Ithiel Town, built in 1835 in New Haven CT, taken from a lithograph by Alexander J Davis. Town was an architect of note, building
bridges as well as the North Carolina State Capitol. The tablet has considerable losses. The second clock has a frosted
and cut-glass tablet. Both clocks have wooden dials with the manufacturer’s name over the center opening, with colorful spandrels. The hands are period/appropriate. Both clocks have signed 30-hour, time-and-strike weight-driven movements and are running and
striking on wire gongs as expected. There is a good label in the first clock but the label in the second clock is very dark
and badly deteriorated. Small embossed brass pendulums with each clock. Two clocks for one money! $50–$200.
Antique American Clocks JANUARY 2025