176. $100
Chauncey & Noble Jerome round-side shelf
clock, 1834-1839. This is an early brass movement clock from the brothers who invented and marketed inexpensive brass movements. It
stands 22 inches tall with clean, unpolished mahogany veneer. Both glasses are likely original with excellent retention
of the eglomise paintings. The round dial is an aluminum replacement; the hands are not original. The interior
of the case retains the blue painted paper and the typical card label. There are two square weights to drive the 30-hour
time-and-strike unsigned movement, and it is running and striking a wire gong without problem. The movement is very similar
to, but probably a later edition of the first Jeromes’ movements, as shown in Ly’s book American Clocks, Vol. 3. AAC
sold two in 2020 for $225 and $302. $100–$225.
Antique American Clocks JANUARY 2025