
Antique American Clocks                     JANUARY 2025


147.              $175

Wm. Gilbert Clock Co. “Columbia”, ca. 1901. The catalog description (Ly, Gilbert Clocks, page 137) says this only came in oak, but this 36-inch case is probably walnut, with a glossy finish.  The finials all look original but are not identical to the finials shown in the catalog illustration. The door glass is modern and should have a silver stencil.  The paper dial is badly toned, the hands are correct.  The signed 8-day, time and half-hour strike movement is oily, running erratically, and stopping randomly.  It strikes on a Geo. B. Owen cathedral gong.  A nice, silvered pendulum bob on a wooden stick.  No label, inside or out.  AAC sold one in 2021 for $325.  $175–$300.

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