111. $200
Norris North long drop shelf clock, 1822-1824. An extensively restored clock that looks great. The height is 32 inches with the modern pineapple finials; the splat and half-columns
have been repainted and re-bronzed. The dial glass is modern, the lower glass is too, with a tablet by Mr. Moberg. The
mahogany veneer is clean and complete. The dial is original, with penciled owners/repairs as early as 1842. It is clean,
the hands are period. The Torrington east-west movement will not run more than a couple of beats, it will strike on an iron
bell. There are two period weights and an embossed pendulum bob, and a good label inside. Not for the purist, but not
to be disregarded either, as there are only two other examples like this that I can find, with the last sale in 2017 at R.O. Schmitt’s
for $1000. $200–$400.
Antique American Clocks JANUARY 2025