
85.               $350

Southern Calendar Clock Co. “Fashion No. 4”, ca. 1885.  A second example of this popular model.  The 31.5-inch walnut case has an old finish; the three original finials have lost their tips, the door glass is original, but the Fashion lettering is a rough approximation of what it should look like.  The dials hold the original paint with chipping and touch-ups, the hands are proper.  The Seth Thomas 8-day, time-and-strike movement is running and striking on a brass bell, and the calendars are advancing.  The pendulum stick and bob are likely original, the calendar papers are old if not original.  There are the expected labels inside, and a secret compartment in back from which I removed all the Confederate money.  $350–$650.

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Antique American Clocks                     JANUARY 2025

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