
83.             $1500

Seth Thomas Clock Co. “Fashion No. 6”, ca. 1880.  This Fashion model was made by Seth Thomas after they bought out the Culver Brothers Southern Calendar Clock Co. and is distinguished by the black painted dials with gold lettering, the words ‘Made by Seth Thomas Clock Co.’ on the calendar dial, and a long-drop pendulum movement that is mounted in the back of the case.  The dial boards were also changed such that the calendar board is hinged to provide easier access to the rear-mounted pendulum.  The 32-inch black walnut case with center finial has a clean polished finish, original door glass with Fashion lettering, and two original black dials with gold lettering and nickel hands.  The dial pans are flat with some chipping around the mainstem on the calendar dial.  The 8-day, time-and-strike movement is signed Seth Thomas and is running and striking on a cathedral gong and the calendar is advancing; the nickel pendulum bob is damascened.  Good labels inside.  AAC has sold six Fashion No. 6 clocks over the past several years for an average of $1716.  $1500–$2000.

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Antique American Clocks                     JANUARY 2025

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