79. $50 ea
Atkins Clock Co. “Octagon Top” 1859-1879. Two miniature cottage clocks, each 10 inches tall with good rosewood veneer and an old finish. The glasses on both are old/original with original black and gilt tablets in good condition. The dial on the left clock is old, thick paper with proper period hands, while the dial on the right clock is painted with noticeable touch-up, and again, proper period hands. Both have simple 30-hour ladder movements, but the one on the right has an alarm attached to the movement. The left clock is time-only. Both are running fabulously; the alarm was not tested. Labels inside, dark but readable. Nice original examples; indicate on your bid sheet if you are bidding on the left one or the right one, or on either (indicate preference), or on both (so indicate). AAC sold a nicer example last summer for $250, but $50–$100 is more typical. I have not seen one with an attached alarm before. $50–$100.
Remember, you are bidding on one clock, not two for one money.
Antique American Clocks JANUARY 2025