
30.             $500

E. Howard & Co. “No. 5 Regulator” (banjo), ca. 1874.  A 29-inch case with an old and dark finish that obscures any grain painting left on the dial bezel.  The bottom board appears to have been expertly repaired and may be a replacement.  The dial glass is original (original putty), the tablet period/original, may have been rebacked, the throat glass may be a modern replacement.  The dial has been repainted, the hands are original.  The E Howard 8-day, time-only movement is polished and running like a champ, driven by a Howard No. 5 weight and regulated by a Howard pendulum with a faintly damascened bob.  The weight shield is a replacement and the pendulum tie-down is missing.  No labels.  A better than average example of this classic.  $500–$800.

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Antique American Clocks                     january 2025
