
Antique American Clocks                      January 2022


159.     $125

Chauncey Boardman triple fusee steeple, 1844-1850.  A second example of Boardman’s triple fusee steeple with alarm (with #157).  The 20-inch case is veneered in mahogany with good finials.  Both glasses are original, the tablet with a decalcomania image of Melrose Abbey, a partly ruined monastery in southern Scotland, founded in 1136 and frequently destroyed by invading English kings.  Robert the Bruce’s heart is buried there.  The contoured dial has been repainted; the hands are incorrect replacements.  The triple fusee, time, strike, and alarm movement is signed and running, but the strike cord broke during testing and will need to be replaced.  The alarm is untested.  The fusee drums are wooden.  The clock strikes on the wire gong, the alarm on the replaced brass bell.  There is a good label inside.  $125-$250. 


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