
Antique American Clocks                      January 2022


107.     $500

Southern Calendar Clock Co. “Fashion No. 4”, ca. 1885.  A 27.5-inch case (32 inches with center finial) in walnut with a dark stain and plenty of patina.  The finials are old but not original.  Door glass is original with the original gold leaf lettering, the dials were repainted by The Dial House.  The hands are correct.  The signed Seth Thomas movement is running and striking on a large brass bell, the calendar is advancing.  I checked the secret compartment in the back and it was filled with worthless Confederate script.  Darn!  Fashion No. 4’s are the most common model; AAC sold one a year ago for $927, and one last summer for $658.  $500-$1000.

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